30 December 2008

If you were wondering about Cat attack plans, this clip says it all!!!

Fruit & Veg

Fruit and veg in colour! Not very inventive but the latest project insisted!


My Cat is very patient!
I say this because her meal times do tend to be rather erratic. Quite frequently (I'm ashamed to say!) I am often so engrosed in drawing or painting something that she gets fed up meowing at me asking for food and instead resorts to just siting as near as possible to me, giving me The Stare (you know the one!) until I suddenly notice her and realise its hours since she had her last meal!!
I'm sure this quick sketch doesnt do her justice but since someone asked about her I thought I would post this in recognition of her resigned and continued patience during the day!
I will add however, that her impatience for her breakfast is legendary and she continues to think up new attack plans every day!

23 December 2008

17 December 2008

Christmas cheer!!
Art by Ange © 2008

15 December 2008

12 December 2008

10 December 2008

The Kiss

Colour (or at least trying!)

Finally I'm onto the colour section of m OCA course! At long last! First attempts arent looking too wonderful, but practise makes perfect, and in my defense I've never really used pastels in quite this way. So laugh all you will but you wait....one day you'll have to pay an absolute fortune for a Mullins! (hah...I wish!)
Some initial pastel colour mixing practise
An exercise, again focusing on colour mixing trying to get as close as possible to the actual objects true colours.....

err...yeah I do so wish! Its by Edgar Degas and I think its just fantastic!