21 June 2009
20 June 2009
So long since I last posted!
This was the result.

This is probably one my favourites. I think it has a good sense of solidity and the pale highlights really suggest light from an unseen light source coming from the left side of the figure.
And this is just another sketch which I find very pleasing to look at. I think it has something to do with the dip in her waistline and shape of her bottom!
23 May 2009
Updated abstract
21 May 2009
New materials and my first abstract

I also promise the next time I post I will make sure I have more time and can do justice to my recent trip, new purchases and some sample paper which Derek Jones very kindly posted to me.
14 May 2009

11 May 2009
Catch Up

I've also been trying to get some more drawing done but I'm dissappointed still to find I'm still hitting all sorts of walls. In an effort to draw something enjoyable and therefore refind some confidence, I did this piece in pastel. Now I'm not really a 'flower' sort of person (those of you who know me will testify to that I'm sure!) but I dont find flowers very difficult and although I'm sure this could have been better, it was only a bit of therapy for me.
This is A2 in size, pastel on a pale lime green sugar paper. I found my existing supply of pastels very limiting and will hopefully put this right at the weekend. I hope to buy a set of 36 Sennelier assorted pastels as well as some Conte and some new types of paper. I do like the Sennelier pastels but they dont last long! I need to start experimenting with different papers and makes of medium. Thats assuming I can find my 'drawing abilities' again!

28 April 2009
Back to some art at last!
26 April 2009
Barnsdale Gardens

21 April 2009
Latest OCA work
And this was done in markers and dip pen & ink
20 April 2009
An inspiring and peaceful day at Burghley

17 April 2009
A trip to the seaside.....

I wasnt to be dissappointed.
My day started as I picked up a friend and her 12 year old son and then a leasurely drive with much laughter, finally arriving and parking up in Hunstanton.

Having had more than enough of the weird and wonderful we eventually made our way back into the day light and sauntered our way along the prom and up in to Hunstanton High Street, casually making our way to a plate of the best fish and chips ever at Fishers of Hunstanton restaurant!
....Now feeling considerably heavier and rather bloated, we finally got our walk along the sand as the sea withdrew on the receding tide. Although it was windy, and there was certainly a nip in the air, it was so invigourating! I hadnt realised how much I missed the sea and the beach, but its very true.

which are a real sight to see......
"They show an amazing slice of Britain’s history over many million years. Here is the geology - White Chalk from the Upper Cretaceous era forms the top layer, followed by a layer of limestone, known as red chalk from the Lower Cretaceous period formed over a period of 15 million years and finally beneath is grey/green Carstone. As both the red and white chalk contains fossils the beach below is a magnet for keen fossil hunters."
information taken from:
During our walk on the beach and with lots of splashing in various rock pools along the w

You see I've got an old wind chime thats seen better days but I dont really want to throw it way. So I came up with the idea to re-use the small metal chimes off it, varnish my shells and re-hang them, although I will need to source a small metal hoop first. I'll let you know how I get on with it....assuming I ever get started that is!

13 April 2009

11 April 2009
Trip to Ikea
I made a start on the dressing gown this afternoon, in fact I hope to have it finished tomorrow, so I'll post a picture of it if it turns out the way I hope it does!