Yesterday found me and a friend at Ikea in Milton Keynes. I went to Ikea in Nottingham many years ago, but the one at Milton Keynes is massive in comparison and of course being a bank holiday it was typically packed with people.
I plan to use the orange and pink patterned material for a summer dressing gown/robe and the small flower material is actually a duvet cover set I bought. I havent quite decided what to use the brown and white bird material for but I loved it so bought 2 metres of it. Perhaps you can suggest something? Otherwise I think it may just end up as cushion covers if my imagination doesnt kick in soon!
I made a start on the dressing gown this afternoon, in fact I hope to have it finished tomorrow, so I'll post a picture of it if it turns out the way I hope it does!
But we were not to be deterred! And we had a great time, so much to look at, touch and exclaim over. Going to Ikea is such a different experience with instructions on the wall in the entrance to explain 'How to shop at Ikea', a creche for the kids and all sorts of other novelty extras, and I found I was a bit overwhelmed at first, but truthfully it didnt take me long to get into the swing of things.
Strangely I didnt have a huge shopping list (this amazed me considerably!), just a few little things for my flat, but for this visit my top priority was to look at the material that Ikea sell. I hadnt realised they sell it uncut and you can buy as many metres you need and at very reasonable prices too.
I couldnt resist the patterns on offer!
I made a start on the dressing gown this afternoon, in fact I hope to have it finished tomorrow, so I'll post a picture of it if it turns out the way I hope it does!
Wow cool fabric. Mmm I think the birds would make v good cushion covers or what about pyjama bottoms to go with the dressing gown?! Love Salx
I bought 3 metres of the bird one bottom left, I am not sure why but something will come to me!
Well after some thought I think its definitly going to be cushion covers after all. Perhaps not very exciting but my sofa will certainly thank me! Like you Lyn, I bought this material on the spot, just because I liked it, but I only have 2 metres so I'm a bit limited really. I'll let you know how I get on!
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