I wasnt to be dissappointed.
My day started as I picked up a friend and her 12 year old son and then a leasurely drive with much laughter, finally arriving and parking up in Hunstanton.

Having had more than enough of the weird and wonderful we eventually made our way back into the day light and sauntered our way along the prom and up in to Hunstanton High Street, casually making our way to a plate of the best fish and chips ever at Fishers of Hunstanton restaurant!
....Now feeling considerably heavier and rather bloated, we finally got our walk along the sand as the sea withdrew on the receding tide. Although it was windy, and there was certainly a nip in the air, it was so invigourating! I hadnt realised how much I missed the sea and the beach, but its very true.

which are a real sight to see......
"They show an amazing slice of Britain’s history over many million years. Here is the geology - White Chalk from the Upper Cretaceous era forms the top layer, followed by a layer of limestone, known as red chalk from the Lower Cretaceous period formed over a period of 15 million years and finally beneath is grey/green Carstone. As both the red and white chalk contains fossils the beach below is a magnet for keen fossil hunters."
information taken from:
During our walk on the beach and with lots of splashing in various rock pools along the w

You see I've got an old wind chime thats seen better days but I dont really want to throw it way. So I came up with the idea to re-use the small metal chimes off it, varnish my shells and re-hang them, although I will need to source a small metal hoop first. I'll let you know how I get on with it....assuming I ever get started that is!

Unfortunately we didnt have enough time to walk up to Old Hunstanton where there are some wonderfully coloured beach huts and some of the best (and blissfully quiet) beaches along this part of the Norfolk coast. It was getting cold, the wind was starting to get the best of us, so we headed home.
I had a lovely time, definitey a day to remember,
and my photo album has already been updated with some great shots!
Oh we do like to be beside the seaside...
sorry couldn't help it! I love your black and white photographs, very arty.
What a lovely day out, glad you had such a lovely day. It was nice to see some of the Norfolk coast in readiness for our week there in the summer. Love Salx
Hi Sal, I love the norfolk coast and if I remember it right, when you're on holiday you will only be about 50 mins drive away from Hunstanton. Perhaps we could meet up there after all? And you must make sure to explore the coast between the two points, there are some lovely villages along that section of coast.
Thanks for the compliment Lyn, I love taking pics in B&W and was very pleased with what I got at Suni Huni...of course they dont always turn out that well! xx
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