At last, I found a life class fairly close to where I live. I've been searching for some time now and finally I spoke to someone yesterday (Tuesday) on the phone when I got home from work, and hes holding a series of 12 sessions, which started two weeks ago. Taking place about 20 miles away, its on a Tuesday night, so after a 10 minute conversation and a very quick bite to eat, I dashed off to try my hand at life drawing.
Feeling a bit harried by the time I arrived, my initial three, 15 minute sketches, arent worth showing you, in fact they are a bit embarrassing to say the least! But the main sketch of the evening, which took me about an hour, is something I'm extremely proud of! I do tend to see some of my efforts through rose tinted glasses, especially just after I've done them, which means I dont always see glaring errors, but in this case I dont think there are too many (at least I hope not!) Your comments would be very welcome!
So here it is....

Feeling a bit harried by the time I arrived, my initial three, 15 minute sketches, arent worth showing you, in fact they are a bit embarrassing to say the least! But the main sketch of the evening, which took me about an hour, is something I'm extremely proud of! I do tend to see some of my efforts through rose tinted glasses, especially just after I've done them, which means I dont always see glaring errors, but in this case I dont think there are too many (at least I hope not!) Your comments would be very welcome!
So here it is....
It's truly great! What big bazookas! Love Sal x
err yeah she did! In fact she had a great figure and was an easy model to work with! had loads of fun and looking forward to the next one x
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