You may already know that I was made redundant 10 days before Christmas. It wasnt altogether unexpected, however still not great. But of course there are some advantages.......time to lie in bed in the mornings, potter about and do exactly what I want to do whenever I want to do it! So, this is the main reason that there have been quite a few posts over the last couple of months, mainly pics of the latest results from yet another OCA project.
And this last picture...well just a bit of fun! All dark and gloomy I know, but I wanted to try and portray a really stormy day....and I think I got it! This is a working sketch of something I would like to try in the future (its only framed as I've run out of fixitive and being in a frame is the safest place for it for now!)

Hi Ange
Great to see you doing so much artwork! You're really getting good at it too! Hope the future is brighter on the job front though.
Love Sal x
Hi, sorry to hear about the job.
your work is amazing and I am going to have to try and find some inspiration soon to continue my very basic work and try and somehow improve too!
Will be back to see more and well done!
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